Wednesday 22 January 2014

Abracadbra? Abrahadabra? What's the k?

“If you can guess what I have in my pocket, you can have it.”  I sent the information to Mr Satan on the Tarot just have a look at this, as I placed the cards upon the table.  It was the spread of the Tarot to answer the question.
What is within my pocket?  Mr Satan has been trying to guess for a while now.  Thou when we started it was so hard working to expose this gang through the tarot was leading us further within a puzzle.  Now the answer was coming clearer and the tarot was the way to go.
Major Arcana of the Tarot cards I've spread upon the table, I shuffled and looked on with amazement as I asked the Tarot the Question “If you can guess what I have in my pocket, you can have it”?
When ever this was started somehow is a link...
The Fool Tarot card is sometimes called Number 22.
Chapter 0, 22 the start of this gang I have followed.
The Fool Tarot card in early times the name wore a crown of feathers. Relationship to Notradamus for the yellow and red within his prediction.
The next Tarot card I think however you may enlighten me, is the Magician. The magician card of the Nursery Rhymes tarot cards is the Puss in boots for the alleged Pink Pussycat Club...Chapter 2, Lodge 22....
High Priestess card, The B and J on the columns Ryder Waite.....This reversed is the J & B Trust who hold the key to the Pussycat Club.
The tarot I was shown today, from above is
King of Penacles, the 3 roses on the Crown, for the 3 people who control the King with the Great Cow as Nostradamus said.....The star is the link to saturn where the murders line up to the line of saturn.  The star pattern takes 60 years to do as the movement between the full powers have been 60 years since this great power was started.
The Moon, The Scorpion is walking the stony path...Scorpion is the link I picked as the logo....The wolf and fox I go past is the people of the grubs, the path twists and turns and the two columns for the winning post is nearing with the moon for the alleged black moon coming once in this planet's life time....
2014 the hidden meaning of the Black Moon, where the mysteries are revealed, 31st January is the timing where the mystery will be unraveled within what is hidden within my pocket? Can you guess Mr Satan?
The sun was the next Tarot Card, the relationship of all is blending together family 5 with the crown of five sunflowers and 5 in my family....silver horse for the silver chariot they will come on to wreck the tower at the Summit flats on Judgment Day.

Next card, Judgment........
This gang I have seen has taken the tarot, the astrology as the grubs have been many marked by the black scorpion..........  The thugs who have pushed me to the ground, yet it’s just the link to the hidden underworld we are looking for on the ground today and you tell me the answer will appear in the Tarot?
The Great cow, is the Moloch statue where the alleged something is Summit Flats....The building where I alleged Juanita Nielsen is has been called Summit Flats in the beginning.
The tarot had the answers, we have searched for many cards on days for the answer yet it’s the spirits returning us to expose the bones.  We just need one thing, what’s the magic word we need for the item to appear.  “Abracadbra” or “Abrahadbra” for the magicK word for the missing link for us to enter pandora’s box? 

You were so right, it was written in the ancient scrolls...I have linked back to 4BC however it did reveal itself to Nostradamus.....Thank you... You know I can't read anyone else's tarot.....this is just a co-incidence again I note....I found the key to the lock of the most infamous Pink Pussycat Club of Abe Saffron...  Thank you, it's the key to the answer, key to the lock and the key to the start of the most wonderful mystery around.  The magical word, the Hebrew meaning of “I create what I want”…  Yes Mr Satan, you created what you wanted.  The key is hidden within my pocket your so right Mr Satan it told us all within the tarot the answers.

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